ionic 2+ 手势解锁界面
import {Component, ElementRef, ViewChild, Renderer2} from '@angular/core';import {IonicPage, NavController, NavParams} from 'ionic-angular';import {Storage} from "@ionic/storage";//点classexport class Point { x: number; y: number; index?: number;}//储存到本地数据库的收拾解锁对象export class GestureLockObj { password: string; chooseType: number; step: number; constructor() { this.chooseType = 3; this.step = 0; }}//储存到本地数据库的收拾错误对象export class GestureAttemptObj { lockDate: number; lastAttemptDate: number; attemptsNu: number; constructor() { this.attemptsNu = 3; }}@IonicPage()@Component({ selector: 'page-gesture-lock', templateUrl: 'gesture-lock.html',})export class GestureLockPage { height = 320; width = 320; chooseType = 3; devicePixelRatio; // 设备密度 titleMes = "手势密码解锁"; unSelectedColor = '#87888a'; selectedColor = '#1783CE'; successColor = '#7bd56c'; errorColor = '#d54e20'; lockTimeUnit = 50; //尝试失败后锁定多少秒 gestureLockObj: GestureLockObj = new GestureLockObj(); //密码本地缓存 gestureAttemptObj: GestureAttemptObj = new GestureAttemptObj(); //尝试日期和次数本地缓存 firstPassword: string; private canTouch = false; private radius: number; //小圆点半径 private allPointArray: Point[] = []; private unSelectedPointArray: Point[] = []; private selectedPointArray: Point[] = []; private ctx; private lockTime = this.lockTimeUnit; @ViewChild('canvas') canvas: ElementRef; textColor = this.selectedColor; constructor(public navCtrl: NavController, public navParams: NavParams, private render: Renderer2, private storage: Storage) { } ngOnInit() { this.devicePixelRatio = window.devicePixelRatio || 1; this.radius = this.width * this.devicePixelRatio / (1 + 2 * this.chooseType) / 2; // 半径计算 this.canvas.nativeElement.height = this.height * this.devicePixelRatio; this.canvas.nativeElement.width = this.width * this.devicePixelRatio; this.ctx = this.canvas.nativeElement.getContext('2d'); this.initPointArray(); this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.ctx.canvas.width, this.ctx.canvas.height); this.drawCircles(this.allPointArray); this.bindEvent();'gestureLockObj').then(data => { if (data) { this.gestureLockObj = data; } });'gestureAttemptObj').then(data => { if (data) { this.gestureAttemptObj = data; if (this.gestureAttemptObj.attemptsNu === 0) { const now; const last =this.gestureAttemptObj.lockDate; const secend = (now - last) / 1000 - this.lockTimeUnit; if (secend <= 0) { this.setInteralFun( 1- secend ); } else { this.gestureAttemptObj = new GestureAttemptObj();"gestureAttemptObj", this.gestureAttemptObj); } } } }); if (this.gestureLockObj.step === 0) { this.titleMes = "请绘制你的手势密码"; } } //滑动结束后处理密码 private dealPassword(selectedArray) { if (this.gestureLockObj.step === 2) { /** 进入解锁 **/ if (this.checkPassword(selectedArray, this.gestureLockObj.password)) { // 解锁成功 this.textColor = this.successColor; this.titleMes = '解锁成功'; this.drawAll(this.successColor);'gestureAttemptObj') } else { //解锁失败 this.lockFaile(); } } else if (this.gestureLockObj.step === 1) { // 设置密码确认密码 if (this.checkPassword(selectedArray, this.firstPassword)) { //设置密码成功 this.gestureLockObj.step = 2; this.gestureLockObj.password = this.firstPassword; this.titleMes = '手势密码设置成功,再次绘制登录';'gestureLockObj', this.gestureLockObj); this.drawAll(this.successColor); } else { //设置密码失败 this.textColor = this.errorColor; this.titleMes = '两次不一致,重新输入'; this.drawAll(this.errorColor); this.gestureLockObj = new GestureLockObj(); } } else if (this.gestureLockObj.step === 0) { //设置密码 this.gestureLockObj.step = 1; this.firstPassword = this.parsePassword(selectedArray); this.textColor = this.selectedColor; this.titleMes = '再次输入'; } else if (this.gestureLockObj.step === 3) {//重置密码输入旧秘密 if (this.checkPassword(selectedArray, this.gestureLockObj.password)) { // 旧密码成功 this.gestureLockObj.step = 0; this.textColor = this.successColor; this.titleMes = '请输入新手势密码'; this.drawAll(this.successColor); } else { //旧密码失败 this.lockFaile(); } } } //解锁失败 lockFaile() { this.drawAll(this.errorColor); this.textColor = this.errorColor; this.gestureAttemptObj.attemptsNu = this.gestureAttemptObj.attemptsNu - 1; if (this.gestureAttemptObj.attemptsNu > 0) { this.titleMes = `密码错误,您还可以输入${this.gestureAttemptObj.attemptsNu}次`; } else { this.gestureAttemptObj.lockDate =;"gestureAttemptObj", this.gestureAttemptObj); this.setInteralFun(this.lockTimeUnit); } } setInteralFun(time) { //检查是否超过设定时间 this.lockTime = time; const interval = setInterval(() => { this.lockTime = this.lockTime - 1; this.titleMes = `请在${this.lockTime}秒后尝试`; if (this.lockTime === 0) { this.gestureAttemptObj = new GestureAttemptObj();"gestureAttemptObj", this.gestureAttemptObj); this.lockTime = this.lockTimeUnit; this.titleMes = "手势密码解锁"; clearInterval(interval); } }, 1000); } //重置手势秘密 resetPasswordFun() { this.titleMes = '请输入旧手势密码'; this.gestureLockObj.step = 3; } deletPasswordFun() {"gestureLockObj"); this.gestureLockObj = new GestureLockObj(); this.titleMes = '请绘制你的手势密码'; this.reset(); } //设置手势密码矩阵 setChooseType(type) { this.chooseType = type; } //初始化手势点的坐标数组 private initPointArray() { const n = this.chooseType; const radius = this.radius; this.selectedPointArray = []; this.allPointArray = []; this.unSelectedPointArray = []; for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) { for (let j = 0; j < n; j++) { const obj = { x: (j * 4 + 3) * radius, y: (i * 4 + 3) * radius, index: ((i * n + 1 + j) + 2) * 7 - 1 }; this.allPointArray.push(obj); this.unSelectedPointArray.push(obj); } } }//滑动手势的时候更新画布 private update(nowPoint: Point) { this.drawAll(this.selectedColor, nowPoint); this.dealPoint(this.unSelectedPointArray, nowPoint); } private checkPassword(pointArray, password): boolean { return password === this.parsePassword(pointArray); } private parsePassword(pointArray): string { return => { return data.index; }).join(""); } //获得手指滑动点的位置 private getPosition(e): Point { const rect = e.currentTarget.getBoundingClientRect(); return { x: (e.touches[0].clientX - rect.left) * this.devicePixelRatio, y: (e.touches[0].clientY - * this.devicePixelRatio }; } //重置 reset() { this.initPointArray(); this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.ctx.canvas.width, this.ctx.canvas.height); this.drawCircles(this.allPointArray); } //添加滑动监听事件 private bindEvent() { this.render.listen(this.canvas.nativeElement, "touchstart", (e) => { e.preventDefault(); if (this.selectedPointArray.length === 0 && this.gestureAttemptObj.attemptsNu !== 0) { this.dealPoint(this.allPointArray, this.getPosition(e), true); } }); this.render.listen(this.canvas.nativeElement, "touchmove", (e) => { if (this.canTouch) { this.update(this.getPosition(e)); } }); const self = this; this.render.listen(this.canvas.nativeElement, "touchend", () => { if (this.canTouch) { this.canTouch = false; this.dealPassword(this.selectedPointArray); setTimeout(function () { self.reset(); }, 1000); } }); } //绘制滑动屏幕后的点 private drawAll(color, nowPoint = null) { this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.ctx.canvas.width, this.ctx.canvas.height); this.drawCircles(this.allPointArray); this.drawCircles(this.selectedPointArray, color); this.drawPoints(this.selectedPointArray, color); this.drawLine(this.selectedPointArray, color, nowPoint); } //滑动点的时候处理是否划中点 private dealPoint(pointArry: Point[], nowPoint: Point, canTouch = false) { for (let i = 0; i < pointArry.length; i++) { if (Math.abs(Number(nowPoint.x) - Number(pointArry[i].x)) < this.radius && Math.abs(Number(nowPoint.y) - Number(pointArry[i].y)) < this.radius) { if (canTouch) { this.canTouch = true; } this.drawPoint(pointArry[i]); this.selectedPointArray.push(pointArry[i]); this.unSelectedPointArray.splice(i, 1); break; } } } private drawPoints(pointArray: Point[], style = this.selectedColor) { for (const value of pointArray) { this.drawPoint(value, style); } } private drawCircles(pointArray: Point[], style = this.unSelectedColor) { for (const value of pointArray) { this.drawCircle(value, style); } } //画圈 private drawCircle(point: Point, style = this.unSelectedColor) { this.ctx.strokeStyle = style; this.ctx.lineWidth = 2; this.ctx.beginPath(); this.ctx.arc(point.x, point.y, this.radius, 0, Math.PI * 2, true); this.ctx.closePath(); this.ctx.stroke(); } //画点 private drawPoint(point: Point, style = this.selectedColor) { this.ctx.fillStyle = style; this.ctx.beginPath(); this.ctx.arc(point.x, point.y, this.radius / 2.5, 0, Math.PI * 2, true); this.ctx.closePath(); this.ctx.fill(); } //划线 private drawLine(pointArray: Point[], style, nowPoint: Point = null) { this.ctx.beginPath(); this.ctx.strokeStyle = style; this.ctx.lineWidth = 3; this.ctx.moveTo(pointArray[0].x, pointArray[0].y); for (let i = 1; i < pointArray.length; i++) { this.ctx.lineTo(pointArray[i].x, pointArray[i].y); } if (nowPoint) { this.ctx.lineTo(nowPoint.x, nowPoint.y); } this.ctx.stroke(); this.ctx.closePath(); }}
注意 注意
锁屏界面的实现并不复杂,复杂是的是在程序中怎么正确的调用,欢迎小伙伴交流。 源码地址,html+sass+ts 咯咯哒感觉这个插件对你有帮助请点个赞赞赞赞吧!! 咯咯哒